How much money will I get for my home?
It is important for sellers to understand that if you are planning to sell your home in a Buyer's market you will ALWAYS make less money than if you were selling during a Seller's market.
Just as important if not more important is...HOW LONG will my home stay on the market?
In a Buyer's market, PRICING directly affects how long your property will stay on the market. As more properties stay on the market longer, home prices are more inclined to be negatively affected by the high inventory of foreclosures and short sales. A seller must be adaptable and realistic when weighing PRICING vs. TIMEFRAME.
Here are some things to consider before selling:
1. Comparable Home Prices
2. Timeframe allotted for selling
3. Condition of the property (ie. Does your property show well?)
4. Buyer Incentives (ie. closing help, etc.)
5. Worst-case scenario option (ie. Renting the property)

Call me at 301-452-4767 if you have any real estate questions.